Sep 20, 2019 | Buying a Franchise, News, Risks of Owning a Business
Starting a business is risky for any entrepreneur, regardless of their experience, financial backing, and the people they surround themselves with. However, the more experience a person has in running a successful business, even managing somebody else’s company, the...
Sep 12, 2019 | Home Care Franchise, News, Solid Support Systems
Have you ever heard the expression, ‘No man is an island?’ It could just as easily state, ‘No woman is an island.’ The point is that no one really stands alone. Every individual can point to other people who supported them, taught them, guided them, mentored them, and...
Sep 6, 2019 | Advice for Franchisees, Golden Heart Senior Care Franchise, News
The most successful businesses were run by men and women who understood they couldn’t do it on their own. Sure, they could start and operate the business and be the absolute authority, but they often needed help. The more they relied on others and surrounded...
Aug 30, 2019 | News, Starting a Home Care Business, What Experience is Needed?
There may be numerous questions a person has been looking into a business endeavor. For example, you might have the opportunity to become a home care franchise owner. You have the savings, the desire, and compassion to help those in need, especially elderly and...
Aug 22, 2019 | Buying a Franchise, Choosing the Right Franchise, News
Success, for any business, depends on numerous factors. When you’re talking about a home care franchise, it’s essential that you have a keen business sense, take advice well, and are willing to follow specific rules and expectations as set forth by the franchise...
Aug 15, 2019 | Home Care Franchise, News, Traffic Issues and Home Care
One thing that commonly gets overlooked when people are considering starting a new business is traffic. If you are considering a home care franchise, how could traffic issues actually impact success? Since August is National Traffic Awareness Month, it’s actually a...