May 9, 2019 | Hiring the Right People, Home Care Franchise, News
It’s a wonderful and amazing thing to own a business. Millions of people across the country dream about starting and owning a business of their own, but only a fraction of them actually pursue this dream. If your goal is to own a home care franchise, you probably have...
May 2, 2019 | Golden Heart Senior Care Franchise, News, Personal Experience with an Aging Senior
It may have been a difficult circumstance in your life, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. Helping an aging parent or somebody else you care about through recovery or a major health issue was just something you felt was your duty, your responsibility. You never...
Apr 24, 2019 | Preparing to Start a Home Care Business, Starting a Home Care Business
You’ve committed to buying a home care franchise. It can be an exciting and simultaneously nerve-racking experience. If you have never owned a business before, this can be downright unsettling in every possible way, but it is a wonderful opportunity, make no mistake...
Apr 19, 2019 | Home Care Franchise, News, The Growing Number of Seniors
Millions of Aging Americans Will Need Care at Home, and a Franchise Is a Great Opportunity to Help Currently, there are an estimated 44 million Americans being cared for by family members (Forbes). There are millions of others who receive some type of home care...
Apr 11, 2019 | News, Questions About Owning a Franchise
Now may be the perfect time to consider buying into a home care franchise. You may have incredible compassion for helping people. Maybe you had direct experience with an elderly person who needed support on a daily basis. This might have been your elderly mother who...
Apr 5, 2019 | Home Care Franchise, How Your Life Will Change, News
Are you one a growing number of people who realize and appreciate the value of home care? Perhaps you had a parent, grandparent, or even a friend who leaned on the services of home care professionals. You may have supported this individual directly, becoming a...
Mar 28, 2019 | Buying a Franchise, Improving Quality of Life, News
It’s great to be passionate about something. When a person finds their passion and pursues it, it is true that they will “never work another day in their life.” If you have a true passion for helping aging seniors deal with the natural challenges life throws their...
Mar 22, 2019 | Franchise Opportunities, News, Taking Care of Your Health
Establishing and building a business takes dedication, hard work, sacrifice, and many hours. When you’re interested in a home care franchise opportunity, certainly make sure you choose a company that is dedicated to the success of its franchisees and offers them...
Mar 14, 2019 | Franchise Agencies vs. Independent, Home Care Franchise, News
Starting your own business from scratch can be exciting. It can cost you a fortune. And it can be overwhelming. If you have true compassion and a desire to help aging seniors and disabled adults remain comfortable and safe at home, you may be considering a career in...
Mar 7, 2019 | News, Personal Experience with Home Care
With the approximately 5.6 million people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s right now, the scope of the disease actually affects tens of millions of people indirectly. Family and friends can be devastated when a parent, grandparent, best friend, spouse, or other senior...