Maybe this is news to you, but you just discovered your best friend has been kicking around the idea of buying into a home care franchise. There may be some precedent to this. She may have been caring for her aging mother as she struggled to recover from a stroke or had been riddled with physical challenges as the natural process of aging.
You want to help her pursue this dream, but what can you really do?
You have your own career or other responsibilities and have no desire to work for her, be a caregiver for her new agency, or take on any of these other responsibilities. There are plenty of ways you can help her or him as they explore this prospect of owning a home care franchise.
First, be supportive.
This usually goes without saying, but even good intentions can be taken as not being very supportive. If you don’t know much about the franchise company, home care in general, or running a business and the demands it places on the owner, learn. Take the initiative and research it.
The Internet is a bastion of information and while you certainly have to be diligent to ensure you’re getting accurate information, it really provides no excuse for somebody to not have any idea what some type of endeavor like this may entail. The more you can learn, the more supportive you can be for your best friend.
Second, learn as much as you can about this company.

Your Best Friend Wants to Own a Home Care Franchise: What Can You Do to Help?
Not all home care companies are the same. Some are more focused on increasing franchisees and, ultimately, their profit margins. Others are dedicated to giving seniors and disabled adults in communities all across the country access to quality, dependable, reliable care and support at home.
Find out what you can about this company and share that information in a supportive manner. What that means is if you discover something negative about the company your friend doesn’t realize, look for another company that offers a better opportunity.
Third, learn to listen more.
People are so intent on talking and talking and talking, sharing their opinions, having to be right all the time, that we have lost the ability to simply listen. You may not agree with your best friend on this issue, but what will likely happen if you try to talk him or her out of it without first understanding their mindset, where they’re coming from, and why they are motivated to do this, it may lead to an argument and short-circuiting of healthy communication.
When you combine this level of support in the right manner, you will be helping your best friend make the best decision for their life.
If you have questions about franchise opportunities with Golden Heart Senior Care Franchise, please contact our office at 1-800-601-2792, or check out our form at