Oct 12, 2018 | Buying a Franchise, Knowing the Home Care Industry
How much do you know about home care? If you don’t know very much about this important industry, how do you think it’s going to work out when you’re the owner of a home care franchise? Some people get involved in various types of businesses because of the money. They...
Oct 3, 2018 | News, Starting a Home Care Business, What's Your Break Even Number?
Maybe you want to own a home care franchise. Perhaps you’ve worked as a caregiver in the past. Maybe you took care of an aging parent, spouse, or even a sibling who struggled with Activities of Daily Living. You have this desire, this drive to give aging and disabled...
Sep 28, 2018 | 4 Things You Must Have, Home Care Franchise
It’s great to want to own a home care franchise, but if you’re not properly prepared to make this commitment, things may not go exactly as you plan. A quality franchise company is going to work with you so you have the right tools in place to maximize the chances of...
Sep 21, 2018 | Buying a Franchise, Having What it Takes for Success, News
No one starts a business planning to fail. In fact, that would be almost absurd, but there are far too many men and women who start businesses all across the country every year who didn’t plan properly. They made mistakes, took the wrong turns, or didn’t really have a...
Sep 13, 2018 | Helping with Healthy Aging of Others, Home Care Franchise
September is Healthy Aging Month and that means people should take a more vested and direct interest in their health and well-being. Unfortunately, being bombarded daily by well-funded, organized, and picturesque photographs of juicy fast food meals, thirst quenching...
Sep 6, 2018 | Franchise Opportunities, News, Owning a Franchise without Experience
Does it make sense for a person who has never worked in a particular industry to open up shop in it? For example, a person who has never worked in a restaurant before might have an opportunity to purchase their own one, but can they be successful at it? Without...
Aug 29, 2018 | Buying a Home Care Franchise, News, What to Do Before Buying a Franchise
Before buying into any particular franchise, it’s important to take some time and assess your own business acumen, your finances, and your ability to lead others. Some people do so (buy into a franchise) simply because their current financial situation and the...
Aug 24, 2018 | Leaving a Legacy, News, Starting a Home Care Business
As people get older they begin thinking about the type of legacy they will leave behind, for their children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, and even their community. August is What Will Your Legacy Be Month and it’s a good time to consider this, especially if...
Aug 16, 2018 | Considering Owning a Franchise, Home Care Franchise, News
You’ve been tossing around the idea of becoming the owner of a home care franchise. This can be a wonderful opportunity, especially if you have some experience supporting elderly or disabled individuals in the comfort of their home. Many people who strive to become...
Aug 10, 2018 | Golden Heart Senior Care Franchise, News, Working Cash to Live On While Getting Started
You’re looking into purchasing a home care franchise. Maybe this has been a dream of yours for a long time. It’s a wonderful operation, especially when you find a quality company that sells those franchises. It’s going to take a financial investment to get started,...