How dramatically could life change if you became the owner of a home care franchise? People who have a sincere desire, a true compassion, as it were, to help elderly and disabled men and women at home may look at ways they can offer that level of support. They might become home care aides, visiting nurses, or other providers, and for those who want to do even more to make a difference, they may look to own a home care franchise.

There are usually numerous questions people have when looking to own a home care franchise.

One of the first may involve financial investment. Owning a business requires an investment, not just of time and energy, but of financial resources. Another consideration is just how significant an impact this will have on a person’s life.

For example, does owning a business mean taking more time out of a person’s downtime, family life, and other obligations?

In most cases the answer is yes, at least initially.

Owning any type of business, especially one that directly serves clients throughout the community, is going to require a significant amount of time, effort, and energy from the owner and any other individuals who have a vested interest in making sure this small business thrives.

It could require the franchise owner to work weekends, early mornings, late evenings, and, depending on a number of other factors, they may have to work overnight once in a while to cover shifts where an employee, a home care aide, for example, was sick and unable to work with a particular client.

At first, a quality franchise is going to help with setup.

This can include assistance getting certified, figuring out how to reach those who may need these types of services, and how best to hire qualified employees to be home care aides, home health care providers, and other professionals to deliver these services. A new home care franchise owner will also need to study to understand local, regional, state, and even federal guidelines regarding delivering these services, documenting services, hiring, wages and benefits, accounting, and so much more.

At first, a person who steps up to own a home care franchise can expect a significant amount of their life to be focused on this new business, but as they continue to strive to be successful, with the right conditions, the right attitude, and the right investment, success should happen and the impact on a person’s life could change, giving them the opportunity for more time outside of this new endeavor.

If you have questions about franchise opportunities with Golden Heart Senior Care Franchise, please contact our office at 1-800-601-2792, or check out our form at